It’s Time For #ReadorWriteAnywhere

read or write black
Summer is about to begin and I’m trying to get as much writing done as possible before the kids are out of school!

But just because it’s summer doesn’t mean we should stop reading and writing. I’ve teamed up with the YA Chicks and many participating authors on a global campaign to encourage readers, writers, students, and teachers to share pictures all of the places—both ordinary and extraordinary—where they are reading and writing. This is open to all readers/writers of both middle grade and young adult books!

You can also take part in…

I’ll be giving away a copy of my new release STRANGE SKIES:

strange skies
Plus, there’s more! Every author participating in this campaign is giving away books, critiques, swag and/or Skype visits. Win a critique of your first chapter or fabulous YA books!

So are you ready?

Drum roll…

Denver Nature and Science Museum

Here are my 5 clues:
1. This place is in the capital city in Colorado.

2. There is a fabulous planetarium here which helped inspire my BURN OUT series.

3. Aside from the T-Rex in this picture, there are currently unicorns, mermaids, and dragons in this place.

4. I would normally do my writing or reading in the cafe area of this place, but the T-Rex made for a cooler picture.

5. My kiddos love coming here, and are especially captivated by the gemstone exit.

Can you guess where I am?

Once you’ve figured out where I’m reading, head over to the YA Chicks site and:

Officially enter the giveaway by inputting each author’s name and your guesses about our locations. Every author location you guess correctly increases your chances to win.
For even more chances, post a picture of yourself reading or writing on Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #ReadOrWriteAnywhere (must have the hashtag).

For writer prize packs:

Post pictures of yourself writing in a fun location on Twitter or Instagram using the hashtag #ReadOrWriteAnywhere. Then follow the directions on the Rafflecopter giveaway to let us know you did it.
For even more chances, gather your writer friends together and post a group shot with the hashtag #ReadOrWriteAnywhere (must have the hashtag). And hey, since you’re already together, why not host a write-a-thon?

For teacher prize packs:
Post pictures of your class reading or writing on Twitter or Instagram using the hashtag #ReadOrWriteAnywhere (must have the hashtag). Then let us know you did it when you enter the Rafflecopter. If you don’t have a Twitter or Instagram, you can email your picture directly with the picture pasted directly into the email (no attachments–we won’t open them) AND the subject, “Read or Write Anywhere.”

You can also check out the YA Chicks Read or Write Anywhere lesson plan, available on their site.

Now, what are you waiting for? Get out there and READ OR WRITE ANYWHERE!


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