Summer Slacking

I officially switched into summer mode last week during a family beach vacation in North Carolina. Here’s the view from our balcony (photo taken by my hubby with his iPad2–which I have to admit is pretty cool):

I didn’t write a single word the entire week, but I didn’t feel guilty about it either. In fact, after falling asleep one night to the sound of crashing waves, I dreamed a cool new story idea that I’m really excited about. For me, down time fuels my creativity and re-energizes me. It also gives me more time to read, which hopefully makes me a better writer.

As this is my son’s last week of school, I know I’ll soon be spending more time at the pool than at the computer, and I’m okay with that. I tend to do my biggest spurts of writing in the fall and winter, while I spend most of my summer outdoors. Come September though, when my kids are back in school, I’m ready to crank out pages again. I know some writers write almost every day of the year, no exceptions. Some are published authors with contracts and deadlines, and others are driven by different motives. I love writing and will always do it, but for now, I’m fine with finishing one book per year. And spending summers with my kids? Priceless.

What about you? Any other cyclical/seasonal writers out there? Any die-hard writers who think I’m a total slacker?

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