Becoming a Full-Time Writer

Many people say it means that writers don’t have a shot in hell of leaving their day job, unless their name happens to be Stephen King or Neil Gaiman, but I respectfully disagree. There are more and more people able to earn a living through their writing–I recently met one author who self-published and was […]

Writers and Marketing

Some writers just want to write, and terms like business and marketing make them want to run screaming for the hills. They might think, “I want to create art. If I wanted to go into business, I would’ve joined corporate America.”

The cold hard fact is that whether you choose to go the traditional publishing […]

Query Critique Winner

The Random Number Generator has spoken. The winning number is #1–congrats to Lady Lee! I’ll email instructions regarding your query critique. Thanks to everyone who entered, and check back next Wednesday for another chance to win! 🙂