Random Book Recommendation

Hello there Funky Fruiters!!!

As usual we’re running a little slow so here I (Christy) am with a book recommendation to keep you going until our next post goes up, which should hopefully be next week after my sidekick, Kristi gets back from vacation (must be nice huh?)

Anyhoo……..without further delay, I simply can not say enough about this Help like read that is absolutely WONDERFUL!!!!

Saving Cee Cee Honeycutt by Beth Hoffman (NO SPOILERS so feel free to read ahead)

If you liked (or loved in our case) The Help by Kathyrn Stockett, you will simply adore this novel of deep Southern wonderfulness!!! It follows the story of a young girl, who moves to Savannah, Georgia after her mother is involved in a tragic accident and her father is mentally and physically unavailable. Cee Cee meets her Aunt Tootie and company and learns what it’s like to be a southerner as well as why her mother had an undying love for the south.

This book will not only make you want to run out and buy every Paula Deen cookbook you can get your hands on, but it may even make you consider moving to Savannah. The women in this story are simply unbelievable and I think all of us would love the neighborly way they exist. I personally even asked my husband if he’d consider it (ok a little drastic being that I’ve never even been there – so who knows maybe someday I’ll get down there and check it out because it almost sounds too good to be true!!) This is a wonderful Spring time read that will leave you begging for a sequel!!!

So check out Saving Cee Cee Honeycutt and I dare you to disagree with me!! 🙂

Happy fruiting and we’ll see you soon!!!!!

1 comment to Random Book Recommendation

  • As I’m a Southern gal by heart (and birth), you know I’ll have to read this — hopefully while sipping sweet tea and eating fried okra! See u when I’m back. 🙂