Reading Across Genres

I’m sure you’ve heard how important it is to read widely in the genre you write. For instance, if you write young adult (YA), you should read a truckload of it to know the expectations and nuances of the genre. YA is typically faster-paced and more action-oriented than say, literary book club fiction. There are always exceptions but you should at least know the rules before you break them. Reading is crucial if you want to progress as a writer. Even Stephen King mentions that he reads as much as he writes during a day.

I agree completely with this, but I’m also in favor of reading outside your genre as well. Though I write YA, I just finished The Tiger’s Wife by Tea Obrecht (loved it), and am about to start The Art of Fielding by Chad Harbach for my book club. I think reading widely allows you to gain more perspective and opens up new possibilities for your writing. Several women in my book club just read 50 Shades of Grey, and though I’m not sure I want to read quite that widely, I admire their resolve to read mommy porn across genres. 😉

What about you? Do you often read outside of your chosen genre? What was the last book you loved that wasn’t in the genre you write?

9 comments to Reading Across Genres

  • You are stronger than I am to have resisted 50 Shades. *shudders*

    I like reading various genres just to feel the differences. I learn from every different writer.

    Even 50 Shades. I learned that people need to not always bloody well MURMUR.

  • I agree about learning from every writer, even if I don’t love the book. Sometimes it helps to know what not to do. *murmurs* 😉

  • I like reading different genres. I might find things that I feel are interesting or other writing styles. Also if I want to write a different genre, I have an idea what are it’s characteristics.

  • Yes, I also find that there are subtle aspects of those other genres that creep into my own writing and hopefully make it richer.

  • I’ll admit that I don’t read widely enough. Although I try to read as much adult fiction as YA, the adult stuff tends to be thrillers. I wonder if I’ve eroded my literary taste buds so that they can’t appreciate the pleasure of a slow read.

  • Jeanne–knowing your interest in multicultural stories, I think you’d really like The Tiger’s Wife. Though it’s not a thriller, there’s a lot of mystery in it, some of it supernatural. I’m loving your new MG book, BTW. 🙂

  • I just recently listened to Beat the Reaper on audiobook, and it was absolutely fantastic. I’m normally a sci-fi geek, but the writing was so crisp on this book that I feel I really learned a lot from it.

  • I haven’t heard of that one and will have to check it out. I love sci-fi too (and write it), so it’s good to take a break from it once in awhile.