Random Act of Kindness BLITZ!

A smile. An encouraging word. A thoughtful gesture. Each day people interact with us, help, and make our day a bit brighter and full. This is especially true in the Writing Community. Take a second to think about writers you know, like the critique partner who works with you to improve your manuscript. […]

Query Critique Winner

I just have to point out that I’ve been doing query critiques for weeks now, and I have yet to come across a single query involving space monkeys! Seriously, people–someone out there has to have a space monkey somewhere in their story. Okay, moving on…the Random Number Generator has chosen winning entry #4–congrats to Chris […]

Wednesday Query Critique Giveaway

It’s Wednesday Query Critique time! Remember to enter by midnight EST in order for your chance to win the weekly query critique. REMINDERS: These critiques are for those who prefer a private critique versus a public one. Please read my prior post on Query Tips before entering. Also, as mentioned in my big giveaway, I […]