Wednesday Query Critique Giveaway

It’s Wednesday Query Critique time! Remember to enter by midnight EST in order for your chance to win the weekly query critique.

REMINDERS: These critiques are for those who prefer a private critique versus a public one. Please read my prior post on Query Tips before entering. Also, as mentioned in my big giveaway, I tend to be very direct and picky, but my goal is to get your query in the best shape possible. Finally, the query is only the first step–make sure the entire book is as good as the query before you hit “Send.” To enter the weekly query critique giveaway, simply follow the directions below. Good luck!

Just leave a comment telling me you’d like to be entered in the giveaway and give your email address, using (at) and (com) as follows so the spam bots don’t find you. 
I will use a random number generator to pick the winner who will receive a query critique through email. NOTE: If your query involves space monkeys, I might make an exception and do an extra critique!

14 comments to Wednesday Query Critique Giveaway

  • Kristi,

    Is the critique for all genres? I’d love to win a critique for a pb manuscript. (I’m going to tweet your post.)

  • Liz Brown

    Perhaps the third time’s a charm. My query needs some fresh eyes! cebr(at)comcast(dot)net

  • Sharon–yes, all genres and I’m very familiar with PB’s. Also, please list your email, so I know how to contact you if you win. Good luck! 🙂

  • Liz–I’ve been a sucker for people who keep entering but don’t win. When people have entered 5 weeks in a row and still don’t win, I’ve been doing extra critiques for them. I’m not sure how long I’ll keep doing it, but let me know once you enter 5 times. Good luck!

  • Thank, Kristi! sharon k mayhew (at) gmail (dot) com

  • Anonymous

    Ill-fated at birth to be the trigger for Earth’s Armageddon but also its salvation, Ian Black fails to develop the prophesied powers. Tortured at the hands of his guardians, the teenager hides among humans until an ambitious reporter exposes his secret to those who would kill for his connection to the Earth. Thrust in the middle of an ancient battle over the forces of nature, Ian and the reporter struggle to stay one step ahead of his so-called protectors and the ruthless enemy who will stop at nothing to harness Earth’s destructive power.

  • Chris Mandeville

    Hi Kristi! I’d love to have my query critiqued.
    Chris Mandeville
    mandeville (at) mac (dot) com

  • Rose

    Hey Kristi wow this is such a good opportunity, and I will try my luck as others have.
    thik_zodiac (at) hotmail (dot) com

  • Dear technology-challenged friend–luckily, I know who you are and know your email which you DIDN’T include in your entry as requested. *tsk tsk* 😉

  • I am in beyond desperate need for a query critique! Like, the fate of a good book rests on my abysmal query skills… I would love to be entered, please!


  • I’d love a chance! katebrauning(at)gmail(dot)com
    Thank you so much. 🙂

  • Second time’s the charm, as someone might say, somewhere…

  • Dear Kristi,
    I would love to be entered in your stupendiferous giveaway and I’m hoping my lucky number 13 is on my side again.
    Thanks for your wonderful time and effort – I hope I’ve aced to instructions – they were somewhat scant, but then you are not really all about the rules are you? My email is jacky (at) hengistarcher (dot) co (dot) uk .

  • Anonymous

    I was in the middle of typing when I realized I had to go to my appointment early to fill out forms. A rush to finish. I swear! Of course, some technical difficulties may have played a role …